10 palace tourism very Misteriuses
10 palace tourism very Misteriuses
Our World full of mysterious place their secret hider in existing civilization dusts. Ancient Kastil, idol or coolie sakral, land/ground is hided, and rightful claimant many places gets more attention from those in fond of adventure. Let's get started adventure from mysterious one place to its other place.
1. Island easter or skidwort island, This Island resides in between Tahiti and Chile, and reach for international popularity because colossal idol remarkable in form of human face. Every height idol is 14 foot/feets (around 4 metres), weight around 14 and made of stone vulkanis, and is masterpiece result from society Rapa Nui. Till now have not yet known how this idol is made with primitive technology owned by society referred [as]. There is various of theories hit come [from] idol and that means, entered one of them is fanciful theory that tell that this idol is made by UFO. But, till now [the] truth of all existing theory is have not yet expressed. Will you become one other can express it?

2. Egypt. One of place most mysterious and miraculous in planet. Reside in North Africa, this country haves more than 80 pyramids that disseminated alongside river Nile. Masing2 height come nears 100 metres, and made of giant stone weighing each of them reaches 100 tons. Till now legend hits pyramid has been invited various of new gossips, myth and trust new also pop out. Of all pyramid, the very top is Piramida Cheops. All pyramids are built only by heap whole brick above other stone. No found glue, nail;axis, or any glue is used in making piramid. All stones don't know how each other snugly, until very hard found existence of retakan or gap. Problems hit development technique that used [by] also have not yet answered till now. Thus if you [it is true] mystery searching, Pyramids Egypt will fixed give mystery for you.

3. Trilateral Bermuda. In Northwest Atlantic, located Segitiga Bermuda. In trilateral this existed 7 big islands and 150 isles that actually is rock bunch. Trilateral this also called as [the] trilateral pin-cushion [of] devil all hi-tech tools and all navigation tools not work truly on-site referred [as]. Often even communication with world outside trilateral this come into question. Nobody being the wiser why and how prevent this condition. Thus, if you [it is true] not as yet common to, who knows you become [the] first break this mystery.
4. Antartic. Antartic is very inhospitable place for dwelt. So much change and phenomenon that till now become big secret makes most of us. Antartic also haves much mysteries, from 14 million snowy continent kilometres and ice with thickness between 2000 till 4800 metres, there is also total and dry island, and called “Dry Dale without snow”. Life for this phenomenon!

5. Xinjian. In city this, there is unifinished area so-called “Moguicheng” or dickens city. Some kastils in Moguicheng generate ill defined bizzare voice where from asalanya. If you come near this dickens city in heat day with light breeze, you will ten to sweet ritme, like 10 million small bells or 10 million guitars play together with indahya. But if high wind mendekat, then arising out voice will as raungan lion, baby cry or yowling wolf.

6. Stonehenge. Stonehenge is mysterious stone formation in outskirts UK. Nobody being the wiser target the of what, wether palace, or altar, or temple or maybe sign existence of UFO? Try you visit, who knows you can break its mystery!
7. Henan. In Henan, Chinese, you will find area of geothermal anomaly so-called “bingbing bei” or ice back. All Chinese regions have normal season change, residents in far west Propinsi Liaoning, Chinese, have warmness temperature that fixed. But when summer comes, then this miraculous phenomenon. When air temperature reach temperature 30 celcius degree and the sun shineses with fair its, mass change happens, and temperature in one metre dibawah land/ground reaches 12 celcius degrees, until land/ground freezes and all waters turn into ice.

8. Waterfall Niagara. This Waterfall is known as target turis. This nature Miracle located in canada border and America. This Waterfall covers area for the width of 250.000 square mile and water streams its can reach 250.000 perjam cubic foot/feets.

9. Geyser. Geyser is warmness water stream that spurt to ground zero. Geyser always shows draw and mysterious. One of place in Reykjavik, capital of Iceland, recognized with geysernya that reached diameter 20 metres and when rain, you can find horrible view: water stream that spurt extraordinary until reach height 70 metres. If you visit [the] Chinese, and await in [in] one cycle Geyser in river Yangbo, Tibet. Existing Geyser can spurt by ear that surprise every few minutes once. Diamter this hot water blast reaches 2 metre and blast heights its can reach 20 metres.

10. Island Arran and Orkney. Two islands in Scottish this is the primary property of history secret. Two this islands located in cool Scottish ocean, second this island draws turis with a number of kastils, ruins, stone circles and temples ancient. At your convenience with Middle Ages period. Second this island [is] obliged to available in lists your visit.

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