10 best Handphone 2009

10 best Handphone 2009 versions Forbes

Forbes, magazine from America that recognized with list-nya that data don't know that 10 best, 50, dst. from all category of goods type that exist in duni. At this opportunity, Forbes makes list 10 best handphones version 2009.

That enter assessment criterion Forbes is besides sold with cheap price, handphone are referred [as] also must have camera feature to detect face, [screen/sail] technology touches perfect, durable in the case of battery, and kapasistas big enough internal memory.

In other hand, Forbes also assesses how speed handphone is referred [as] in accessing internet. Must quick and fluent in playing multimedia features owned by by handphone referred [as].

Following is 10 best handphones 2009 versions Forbes:

  1. Asus P565
  2. BlackBerry Bold
  3. HTC Imagio
  4. iPhone 3G S
  5. Palm Pre
  6. Samsung 360 H1
  7. Samsung Jet
  8. Samsung Omnia HD
  9. Sony Satio
  10. Toshiba TG01

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