most beautiful BRIDGE WORLD
most beautiful BRIDGE WORLD
1. Banpo Bridge (South korea): The Fountain Bridge
In 9 Septembers 2008, Banpo Jembatan in Seoul (South korea) get main facelift: 10.000 nosels fountain that walk through the street in its both sides. Soon after attached, bridge turns into main wisata, as [the] pump bridge exit 190 water tons every minute by using water from river hereunder.
Banpo :

2. Millau Bridge (France): World's Tallest Vehicular Bridge
Boost high above 1.125-ft Tarn Valley in south french, drive alongside Jembatan Millau told feel like flew. Foster + This Partners admires a few/little higher than Eiffel Tower, time three year to develop and opened generically in 2004. Although maybe provide dale beautiful view below/under, after fog downwardses that not route to go to pireces liver! The Millau Bridge haves totalize length 8.071-ft with single span longest in 1.122-ft and maximum below/under permit from 886-ft; in short bridge is get an impressions on a large scale either on to the paper and in reality life. Deck is lofted at 7 pylonses and wt. 36.000 tons. A couple of from 7 pillarses, each high and heavy 292-kaki 700 tons, that stick at appropriate pillar.
Millau :

3. Henderson Waves (Singapore): Most Beautiful Pedestrian Bridge
In height 36 metres or 12 floors from street, that is highest overpass in Singapore. Bridges as long as 300 metres link to gardens in Mount Faber and Telok Blangah Hill.
Henderson :

4. Hangzhou Bay Bridge (Chinese): World's Longest Trans-Oceanic Bridge
Across of Teluk Hangzhou extends longest trans-oceanic in the world of bridge, with 35.673 kilometres (22 miles) band length with six tolls in two directions. This Bridge is built to overcome traffic jam in area that rapidly grow, cut drive time between Shanghai and Ningbo from four till two and half hour .Akhirnya are opened generically on 1 May 2008. Totalize invesment in RMB that bridge 11,8 billion (about/around US $ 1,4 billion.)
Hangzhou :

5.Rolling Bridge (UK): The Bridge that Curls Up di atas Itself
Designed by Heatherwick Studio, appreciation winner Rolling Bridge Paddington Basin located in London. A bridge opens conventional mechanism, consist of one element that lift stiff to let boat passes, Bridge Rolling exits from street by bend till two the end of touch. Meanwhile in horizontal position, bridge is normal, graceless steel attention and wooden bridge; fully opened, form [of] a circle by the side of water that a few/little bear similarity to our it-self previously.
as long as twelve metres, this bridge is made in eight steel part and woods, and made for hidrolik curlcurl by rams that attached in hold among every part.
Rolling :

6.Oliveira Bridge (Brazil): First in the world of in form of X Tinggal Kabel Jembatan with two bands traversed
The Octavio Frias de Oliveira Jembatan above Sungai Pinheiros in São Paulo, Brazil are opened at May 2008. This is the 138 metres (450 foot/feets), and interfac to Pinheiros Marjinal Jornalista Roberto Marinho Avenue. Designing is was unique in that 2 curved deck of crucifix bridge one another pass by support in form of X tower.
Oliveira :

7.Wind and Rain Bridge (China): Dong people's bridge
Wind and Rain Bridge symbolises architecture from minority people Dong. Wind and Rain Bridge in Diping is biggest from its type that exist in Propinsi Guizhou, Chinese biggest place society life Dong. Bridge that more than 50 length metre and this conditions first time built in 1894 during a period of Dinasti Qing more than 100 year(s) ago. Nevertheless, genuiness structure fall to pieceses in conflagration in 1959 and one visitor sees today is making returns that finish in 1964.
Wind and Rain :

8.Tower Bridge (UK): Most Terkenal and beautiful Jembatan Victoria
Finish in 1894 and designed by Horace Jones and Wolfe Barry, Tower Bridge (until named after two, fuse, 141-ft high tower and Tower of London that close to that) it's one of landmark the most recognized in London and one of most beautiful in the world. bridge length 800-kaki had 28-ft room distance when closed, but improve center for 140-ft maximum sweeping conducive ships to endow Thames. Returned in days when goods are moved through the sea, not bridge air is boosted up around 50 times one day. Tower Bridge takes 432 workers 8 year to develop. During the time they sink 70.000 tons become 2 big dock concrete, degrade 2 made balance to bascules to its place each heavy 1.000 tons and then dress all bridges in Portland stone cornish and granite to disguise 11.000 steel tons in bawahnya.
Tower :

9. Magdeburg Water Bridge (Germany): Europe's Largest Water Bridge
Bridge ex and connective Magdeburg Water East and West Germany above Sungai Elbe, and that made as part of project of federating. as long as 1 km , 500 million euroses conducive river water bridge lighter to avoid length and sometime not can be pledged as long as part Elbe.
Magdeburg :

10.Ponte Vecchio (Italian): Most at longest and Paling Terkenal from type
Ponte Vecchio in Firenze is one of place wisata are most recognized in italian, and considered as eldest stone that built entirely, segmental arch bridge in Europe, despite of much partial segments date returns furthermore. This initially built from wood till fall to pieces by flood at 1333, and twelve year then rebuilt by using stone. Recognized because store layer, bridge has accomodated everybody from Medieval merchant and flesh worker for souvenir kiosks and art dealer.
Ponte :

11. Suramadu Bridge Nasional (Indonesia)
Bridge Nasional Suramadu is bridge get throughs Selat Madura, connective island Java (in Surabaya) and island Madura (in Bangkalan, precisely east Kamal), Indonesia. With length 5.438 m, bridge this is the longest bridge in Indonesia at this time. Longest Bridge in South-East Asia is Jembatan Penang in Malaysia. Bridge Suramadu consist of three part of overpass (by-pass), bridge (approach bridge), and main bridge.
Bridge Construction is founded early by President Megawati Sukarnoputri in 20 Augusts 2003 and opened its opening by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on 10 Junes 2009. This Bridge building slated for speed up development in Pulau Madura, entered infrastructure and economy area in Madura, that relative remained compared to other area in East Java. Bridge building Cost estimate this is the 4,5 triliuns rupiah.
Make this bridge is conducted from three sides, both sides Bangkalan and Surabaya. Meanwhile, at the same time also make growth [of] span of middle bridge approach and bridge.
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