cities dies found
cities dies found
1. Kolmanskop
Kolmanskop is a ghost town in south namibia, some kilometres from port Luderitz. In 1908 Luderitzes experience of fever berlian, and people then go to Namib desert to get wealth easily. In a two year created a luxury city complete with all prasarananya like casino, school, hospital, also with exclusive residence building that stand up in farm that before now arid and is desert. But first world post war, sales berlian becomes desisted, this is begining of the termination of altogether. During the year 1950 cities start left, sand starts ask return what become its property. Sturdy metal Board crumples, beautiful garden and natty public road is buried dibawah sand, window and door bergeretak in each its hasp, window glasses is broken goggle like show ruination at sand carpet that boost. Quote: A new ghost town has been borne, till now still look a couple of bangunas that stand up, there are also building like a legitimate stage still jolly good up to scratch, and the rest, houses is referred [as] fall to pieces digerus sand and become consecution of spectre houses that fear.
2. Prypiat
Prypiat is a metropolis in detached area in North Ukraine, is housing [of] area workers nuclear area Chernobyl. This Area dies since the happening of nuclear disaster Chernobyl that swallow can be 50.000 souls. After occurence, this location practical like a museum, be a part of soviet history. Building apartement, swimming pool, hospital, and much other buildings fall to pieces. And all contents that existed in building referred [as] let [in] depth, like archives, TV, children toy, high-value goods, clothes and others all like most families property in general.
Resident will only take important document, book and clothes that are not contaminable by nuclear. Nevertheless since century 21, [shall] no longger there is high-value goods that remained, even seat dikamar kecilpun is brought by pillagers, many of building that its contents robbed from year to year. Building that [shall] no longger taken care of, with leaky roof, and building interior that suffused water in the rains, growing make city is referred [as] really become ghost town. We can see tree that grow in house roof, tree that grow within doors. [several] CoDs 4 sure playerses recognize city yg one this.
Beside North Taiwan, there is a futuristic kampong, initially built as a luxuriant resort for rich clan. However, after happened much fatal accidents at a period of development its finally project are referred [as] desisted. After find difficulties fund and difficulty [of] workers that will do project are referred [as] finally development resort is referred [as] really desisted in the middle of street. Hearsay then pop out, a lot spell out members kampong area is referred [as] become residence [of] spectres, from them that has died.
4. Craco
Craco located didaerah Basilicata and province Matera around 25 miles from bay Taranto. This mid City have specific area with fulfilled undulating hill and carpet of grist agriculture and agriculture plants other. Ditahun 1060 when farm ownership Craco is owned by bishop Arnaldo arcdiocese head Tricarico. Relation/link that walk old with church bring influence that many to the whole resident. In 1891 resident populations Craco more than 2000 people, at that time they many are knocked over sosial problems and poorness that frequently make them hopeless, between in 1892 and 1922 around 1300 migrants to North America. Ugly agriculture Condition is added with earthquake natural disaster, landslide and war this cause them have the migration of mass.
Between in 1959 and 1972 Cracos return shaken earthquake and landslide. In 1963 people around remainses 1300 people finally carried over a dale near Craco Peschiera, and till now Craco that genuiness has been remained in a state of fall to pieces and leave over its rot of resident ommission pickings.
Craco located didaerah Basilicata and province Matera around 25 miles from bay Taranto. This mid City have specific area with fulfilled undulating hill and carpet of grist agriculture and agriculture plants other. Ditahun 1060 when farm ownership Craco is owned by bishop Arnaldo arcdiocese head Tricarico. Relation/link that walk old with church bring influence that many to the whole resident. In 1891 resident populations Craco more than 2000 people, at that time they many are knocked over sosial problems and poorness that frequently make them hopeless, between in 1892 and 1922 around 1300 migrants to North America. Ugly agriculture Condition is added with earthquake natural disaster, landslide and war this cause them have the migration of mass.
Between in 1959 and 1972 Cracos return shaken earthquake and landslide. In 1963 people around remainses 1300 people finally carried over a dale near Craco Peschiera, and till now Craco that genuiness has been remained in a state of fall to pieces and leave over its rot of resident ommission pickings.

Antara tahun 1959 dan 1972 Craco kembali diguncang gempa dan tanah longsor. Di tahun 1963 sisa penduduk sekitar 1300 orang akhirnya dipindahkan ke suatu lembah dekat Craco Peschiera, dan sampai sekarang Craco yang asli masih tertinggal dalam keadaan hancur dan menyisakan kebusukan sisa-sisa peninggalan penduduknya.
5. Oradour Sul Glane
Small Perkampungan Oradour Sul Glane in french shows a very horrible situation condition. During World War IIth, 642 residents are massacred by ARMY Germany as [the] retaliation form to the to french treatment at that time. Germany that at that time actually intend attack area near Oradour Sul Glane but finally they attack small perkampungan are referred [as] on 10 Junes 1944. according to safe people witness, men resident is entered into a warehouse and ARMY jerman fire at their foot/feet until finally they die in slowly. Woman and children that entered into church, finally all died shot when they try exit from within church. Kampong is referred [as] really destroyed ARMY Germany at that time. And till now kampong ruins is referred [as] has been stood up and took the stand so cruel its event that happened at that time.
Small Perkampungan Oradour Sul Glane in french shows a very horrible situation condition. During World War IIth, 642 residents are massacred by ARMY Germany as [the] retaliation form to the to french treatment at that time. Germany that at that time actually intend attack area near Oradour Sul Glane but finally they attack small perkampungan are referred [as] on 10 Junes 1944. according to safe people witness, men resident is entered into a warehouse and ARMY jerman fire at their foot/feet until finally they die in slowly. Woman and children that entered into church, finally all died shot when they try exit from within church. Kampong is referred [as] really destroyed ARMY Germany at that time. And till now kampong ruins is referred [as] has been stood up and took the stand so cruel its event that happened at that time.
6. GunkanJima
Island it is one of from 505 uninhabited islands in Nagasaki Daerah Administratsi Japan, around 15 kilometres from Nagasaki. This Island are also known as “Gunkan Jima” or island battleship. In 1890 when a company (Mitsubishi) buy island are referred [as] and start project to get coal from sea floor around island referred [as]. In 1916 they develop big concrete [the] first in island is referred [as], an apartment block is built for workers and also to protect them from hurricane.
In 1959, islander population is referred [as] bulbar, density at that time reaches 835 people per hectare for entire island (1.391 per hectare for area of settlement center), a most solid resident population that ever happened around the world. When kerosene replace coal in 1960, coal mine starts to close, not aside from in Gunkan Jima, in 1974 Mitsubishis officially announce mine closing is referred [as], and finally empty island are referred [as]. In 2003 this island dimbil as setting film “Battle Royal II” and inspire a game popular “Killer7”.
Island it is one of from 505 uninhabited islands in Nagasaki Daerah Administratsi Japan, around 15 kilometres from Nagasaki. This Island are also known as “Gunkan Jima” or island battleship. In 1890 when a company (Mitsubishi) buy island are referred [as] and start project to get coal from sea floor around island referred [as]. In 1916 they develop big concrete [the] first in island is referred [as], an apartment block is built for workers and also to protect them from hurricane.
In 1959, islander population is referred [as] bulbar, density at that time reaches 835 people per hectare for entire island (1.391 per hectare for area of settlement center), a most solid resident population that ever happened around the world. When kerosene replace coal in 1960, coal mine starts to close, not aside from in Gunkan Jima, in 1974 Mitsubishis officially announce mine closing is referred [as], and finally empty island are referred [as]. In 2003 this island dimbil as setting film “Battle Royal II” and inspire a game popular “Killer7”.
7. Kadykchan
Kadykchan is one of small city of in russia that fallen to pieces moment runtuhnya Uni soviet. Resident is forced struggle to get access for getting the water, health care and also school. They must exit from that city within 2 week, to occupy other city and occupy new house. City with people around 12.000 average one whos as [the] this tin mineworker emptied. They stay out them with all its housewares. Thus you can find toy, book, clothes and various of goodses didalam empty city.
Kadykchan is one of small city of in russia that fallen to pieces moment runtuhnya Uni soviet. Resident is forced struggle to get access for getting the water, health care and also school. They must exit from that city within 2 week, to occupy other city and occupy new house. City with people around 12.000 average one whos as [the] this tin mineworker emptied. They stay out them with all its housewares. Thus you can find toy, book, clothes and various of goodses didalam empty city.
8. Kowloon
Metropolis Kowloon that located in outside Hongkong, China. Before now occupied by Japan during World War II, be next taken over by wild resident after Japan surenders. Government UK wants to China holds responsibles to this city, because city is referred [as] become irregular city and is not observant government law. Population not in control, resident develops corridor street level lybirint that full [of] stuffed up by garbage, very high building until make sunlight will never illuminates. City wide illuminated with neon. City is referred [as] full of brothel, casino, opium den and anaesthetic and cocaine, many existed victuals from flesh dog and also existed secret factories that not bothered by this otoritas.Keadaan finally ended when in 1993, taken decision by government UK and authority China to desist all of that.
Metropolis Kowloon that located in outside Hongkong, China. Before now occupied by Japan during World War II, be next taken over by wild resident after Japan surenders. Government UK wants to China holds responsibles to this city, because city is referred [as] become irregular city and is not observant government law. Population not in control, resident develops corridor street level lybirint that full [of] stuffed up by garbage, very high building until make sunlight will never illuminates. City wide illuminated with neon. City is referred [as] full of brothel, casino, opium den and anaesthetic and cocaine, many existed victuals from flesh dog and also existed secret factories that not bothered by this otoritas.Keadaan finally ended when in 1993, taken decision by government UK and authority China to desist all of that.
9. Varosha
Varosha is an area that non-recognition by North republic Cyprus. Before 1974 Turki menginvasi Cypruses, this area is modern tourists area in city Famagusta. At three decade last, this city is left and become ghost town. In 1970s, this city becomes target city main wisata in Cyprus. To give satisfying service to tourists, this city develops various of luxuriant buildings and hotel. When ARMY Turki controls area is referred [as], they care of and hedge area is referred [as], there may not be any secretory enter city is referred [as] without [in] one permission from ARMY Turki and PBB ARMY. Plan to return return Varosha to hand of greek control, nevertheless plan is referred [as] never realized. Can be for 34 year cities referred [as] let and there is no repair. Slow buildings is referred [as] fall to pieces, metal start rust, jedela breaks, and flora roots penetrates wall and pavement. Tortoise has a nest on shore left. In 2010 Pemerintahan Turkis have an eye to reopen Varosha for roof turis and city returns can be inhabited and will become one of city the most have an effect on in uatara island.
Varosha is an area that non-recognition by North republic Cyprus. Before 1974 Turki menginvasi Cypruses, this area is modern tourists area in city Famagusta. At three decade last, this city is left and become ghost town. In 1970s, this city becomes target city main wisata in Cyprus. To give satisfying service to tourists, this city develops various of luxuriant buildings and hotel. When ARMY Turki controls area is referred [as], they care of and hedge area is referred [as], there may not be any secretory enter city is referred [as] without [in] one permission from ARMY Turki and PBB ARMY. Plan to return return Varosha to hand of greek control, nevertheless plan is referred [as] never realized. Can be for 34 year cities referred [as] let and there is no repair. Slow buildings is referred [as] fall to pieces, metal start rust, jedela breaks, and flora roots penetrates wall and pavement. Tortoise has a nest on shore left. In 2010 Pemerintahan Turkis have an eye to reopen Varosha for roof turis and city returns can be inhabited and will become one of city the most have an effect on in uatara island.
10. Agdam
Metropolis Agdam in Azerbaijan is one of metropolis that its resident population reach 150.000 people. Nevertheless then lose after in 1993 as long as war Nagorno Karabakh. Although this city not directly becomes war bases, nevertheless this city remain to get effect from war referred [as], by becoming victim from roof attitude damage Armenians city is referred [as]. Buildings is destroyed and finally left its dweller, only leave over mosques that still intact stand up. Resident Agdam by it self has made a move to other area, like to Iran.
Metropolis Agdam in Azerbaijan is one of metropolis that its resident population reach 150.000 people. Nevertheless then lose after in 1993 as long as war Nagorno Karabakh. Although this city not directly becomes war bases, nevertheless this city remain to get effect from war referred [as], by becoming victim from roof attitude damage Armenians city is referred [as]. Buildings is destroyed and finally left its dweller, only leave over mosques that still intact stand up. Resident Agdam by it self has made a move to other area, like to Iran.
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