most oddest monument in the world
most oddest monument in the world

11. Underwater Gallery, Grenada
Rentetan this scilpture resides in skin-deep territorial water that transparent in offshore this Grenada have very unusual characteristic: can be reached by only to diver (though that also can be looked over glass in ship floor). sculptor called Jason de Caires Taylor lah that create this monument. Rentetan human in various of subdividing and places this make monument is conceived of first basrelief garden that located in in water. this basrelief of brand reef is also created as [the] awareness to move forward awareness of nature conservation.
10. Memento Park, Budapest
9. Georgia Guidestones, Elberton, GA

8. Headington Shark, Headington, Oxfordshire, England
high animal monument as high as 25 this foot/feets are recognized in general as Headington Shark that seen like terjungkal in roof [of] a house in UK. this monument is made of metal, resin poliester, and gypsum. monument this shark is initialy seen as [the] unsightly view and local government tries to move it. However now has been accepted and considered as interesting object.
7. Calder Mercury Fountain, Barcelona
Keep away your hand far from that one this. Poisonous liquid Quicksilver flows pass manger series that made of iron and aluminum, plunge opponent of metal rasher that jell can go about in movement, and cataract into [in] one domed pond lethal metal. pematung comes [from] America Alexander Calder design this fountain as [the] respect of fascist people-counter for republic government Spain at agenda World’s Fair 1937 in Paris (where dipajang in front of precisely painting Picasso). now this fountain is put down in city Barcelona.
6. Mannekin Pis, Brussels
An ikon from country this Belgium that is statuette [of] a boy that this urine has been stolen several times when war time. Today, this monument captivates many turises for simply see it. Legend the by far the most popular about asalnya show a missing boy, finally its father finds its boy that is passing and so happy its he/she develops this monument.
5. Fengdu Ghost City, Fengdu, China
During Dinasti Han, two people of court functionary called Yin and Wang are carried over Gunung Mingshan to get lighting. If both that name joined, in meaningful Chinese “King of Hell” or in Indonesian its "Raja Neraka". That Semenjak, local citizen of opinion place is referred [as] is its gathering point fine creatures. That Place expands become complex Budha temple and Taoist that dotted with horrible devil idol. Names important Penanda in this area also have horrible name, like “Last Glance at home Tower,” “Nothing-to-Be-Done Bridge,” and “Ghost Torturing Pass.” Ironically, this area in Iiteral now become spectre city caused by permbuatan project Dam that eat local citizen victim because happened flood that bubble up to it's surrounding area. Now, Mount Mingshan is tourists area that often visited by tourist.
4. Kindlifresser (Child Eater) Fountain, Bern, Switzerland
Though like rich idol with modern art meaning, fountain Kindlifresser, or “Child Eater”, has daunted child in city Bern since 1546. Dress with red and gorgeous green chasuble, and postur its body that fat is munching a little one head, whereas the other baby worries await bleak chance those in reside in its duffle bag. There is that assumption that idol in commemoration of to society yahudi in city Bern are referred [as], because hat that utility look like jew people that forced to wear hat in the past caused by because certain. Ada also that of opinion that Kindlifresser is "Kronos the Titan" from greek mythology, that is eating its child to prevent its child to grab its crown. There is assumption the most sensible that idol is referred [as] made to warn children in city Bern in order to care of their behaviour and manner.
3. Duke of Wellington Statue, Glasgow
For 20 year(s) ago, idol that likely seen usual this turn into unusual. roof "pranksters" or its Indonesian [language] fad worker that often gallivanted nocturnal frequent put Cones heads-up traffic idol this Arthur Wellesley. Local Resident said that cones traffic is referred [as] is integral part from idol referred [as], opposite/also according to them part of city identity Glasgow. Government does not agree it and will act coherent that not as yet common to put "cones" next lead idol Arthur Wellesley. However towny Glasgow bothers this prohibition order and is fixed putting heads-up cones idol Arthur Wellesley till now
2. Genghis Khan Equestrian Statue, Tsonjin Boldog, Mongolia
Steel Idol [in] one weight 250 tons and as high as 131 this foot/feets is biggest horseman idol in the world, and has been opened in 2008. this idol beyond capital of Mongolia that is Ulan Bator. Visitor can go up lift to deck lead the horse and can see wide and beautiful grass view.
1. Saint Wenceslas Riding a Dead Horse, Prague
During can be 100 year—idols in Prague’s Wenceslas Square has became state pride of nationalism Republic this Ceko. But now has been next, even menjado materials humor for local citizen in city prague. Sculptor that called David Cerny memparodikan idols that reside in Prague’s Wenceslas Square with idol that the of in Lucerna Palace, that not far from Prague’s Wenceslas Square. Idol that recognized is idol St. Wenceslas that is riding horse with position returned death hung in roof.
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