Black out porn content in YouTube uses Safe Mode

Black out porn content in YouTube uses Safe Mode
homepage sharing video popular YouTube, has introduced a new parental control that called Safe Mode. Feature just is referred [as] is a choice in setting that prevent user to see desecrate and smelly content. All that smelly porn, either graphical or video that stimulate that not step into Community Guidelines can difilter by using this Safe Mode.
Nevertheless, Google affirms that Safe Mode is not measures that really accurate how far content contains pornography, that is to say not 100 percents are guaranteed that child or family other sudden can see smelly content porn. YouTube was with feature this Safe Mode was compatible when user conduct Google seeking Images. Safe Mode can porn mem-filter content very user login uses YouTube or account Google and then activate Safe Mode.
Feature Safe Mode can become remote Parental Control in house and will make safe YouTube is consumed by children. Feature Safe Mode is residing in page underside and active for user now