Facebook replaces Yahoo in position 2, come near Google

Facebook replaces Yahoo in position 2, come near Google

Facebook are predicted will replace Yahoo position as situs by far the most popular second rank in the world, and Google still in first rank. According to Compete, sosial situs jejaring Facebook are referred [as] finally can precede Yahoo in on January by reach for 134 million unique visitors during a month.

“It has been 2 year since we see there is convulsion in rank 2 big world. Moon February 2008, Google finally take over Yahoo and become rank 1, and never downwards [again]. Is it possible that Facebook becomes new challenger for Google?” express Aaron Prebluda from Compete.

Prebluda enhances, 11.6 responder percents state that they more pass the time open Facebook, compared to 4.25 percents for Yahoo and 4.1 for Google. Nevertheless, Preblude also berpeskulasi that Google fixed in position to the, especially caused by Google feature Buzz, that can arrest/detain accelerate aggresive its Facebook.

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