Google will 'Jigger' Celullar phone become translator

Google will 'Jigger' Celullar phone become translator

Google make smartphone as a means of translator. Constructively software [of] a celullar phone can translate direct foreign language from conversation [submitted/sent].

It is of course this new limited to development plan forwards that will be conducted one of Information Technology giant are referred [as]. The party of Google even also confesses, this plan will not be easy to realize.

Franz Och, head of Google translator service tells, they now are working for combine translator machine and voice-recognition that have high accuracy. "We sure penerjemahan speech-to-speech will maybe and will work good enough in a few year forwards," he said optimistis

Och tells, there are some constraint that will be faced Google in realizing software that work in real time. Among that constraints [is] existence of voice difference, accent and talking tone.

According to Och, constraints it would be can be overcome ably software to study variation of user language. "Language Recognition ought to will be more effective at that celullar phone because noun in character person," he said.

Still, experts tends to pessimistic with Google plan. David Crystal, language professor in Bangor University, tell main problem is problem of talking speed and accent variation. "There is no system that ready to overcame that thing at this time," he/she affirms.

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