Unpertubed Goojje faces Google

Unpertubed Goojje faces Google

BEIJING pin-cushion Goojje, searcher machine that often mentioned over and over as [the] machine of Google rubbing searcher state never alter design situsnya, entered whose name is. Organizer unpertubed Gooje even Google already 'belabour' and will claim Goojje.

According to founder Goojje, Huang Jiongxuan [his] side never alters any its design of searcher machine. Interface Goojje are assessed adoption [of] full [of] Google display.

"This Situs is best attainment our team," Huang like forwarded AsiaOne, Wednesday (10/2/2010).

Huang confesses, its team has finished fund around 30 thousand yuans to develop situs seeking is referred [as]. "Much lawyers that offer us as [the] its legal advisor and we have much supporters," Huang.

Goojje are told Huang are built with seven otherses its launched Goojje were in January 14 momentary Google announces secession plan from China. election word 'jje' assumed precise remember word is referred [as] refer at sister.

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