Waterfalls Bantimurung already known since earlier times. When I was in kindergarten in Makassar, come to this place was a dense forest, cleaner, and a thick fog. Now, more severe condition. At least if it is serious view of cleanliness, and the booming number of visitors each month and the beginning of the weekend (as low pay, hehehe). While there, I and colleagues over the mountain looking down from the tarsier, and just wanted to stop by for menyejukan body while her former kindergarten nostalgia as a picnic here with my parents late org. Its location just 45 minutes straight north from Makassar to Maros (travel time Kijang car at moderate speed and with records not subject to congestion-rickshaws and pete pete middle of a city) .-
But when it comes to location, shattered all my desire for "kecipang - kecipung "waterfall river dialiran Bantimurung. Blimey, the number of visitors make the head head head. Wonderful lot! The number of visitors such location is not too wide reply will obviously cause problems of its own. Ditepian mud along the muddy river and a plastic garbage scattered here and there a lot .-
This waterfall is an ideal use for bathing, because the condition of the stream in front airterjun runway was made of karst rock-hard and slippery, hard rock-me-covered layers of minerals due to the flow water for hundreds of years, and wrote into the water no more between her ankles until kepinggang. Therefore, many young parents into nyemplung follow-up there for good, not harm barefoot (no sharp stones) and there is no sediment in the middle of the river water flow .-

But what, one hundred percent safe yes? Not really. This area has multiple end of each year to eat the victim. A shop keeper around this area offers a partial guide tells kesaya services, there are still visitors tau tau disappear swallowed by water, and found a few hundred meters from the location of the loss. If you do not die sometimes in cave woe surrounding Bantimurung location. Currently there are two holes yg cave opened to the public, another one was closed because it was considered too dangerous and sinister. There is a story, it really dialiran river is a cave under the river, if you want to go to swim under the water first and then go into the cave which had diujungnya small room that could be used for sitting sitting .-
For those who feel creepy with such stories and would not memtuskan follow-up bath, can just sit sitting eating a picnic. Uniquely, picnics, dining here is not under a big tree, like the generality if we do a picnic in West Java or Java. In Bantimurung leisurely picnic and eat holes done under the cavernous recesses of the cave under the rock giants. As I saw them a picnic, I thinkers, if the rock collapsed suddenly, waa ... could be "jerky" .-

It's good they enter this place if not the weekend if you want to hear the sound of birds and the rumble of a waterfall. I was wrong in timing the end of the week, so can not enjoy a lot of things over here. At least, my childhood memories rather settled after coming here. We came back unity where one of them because "the past", is not it? --