National Park cendrawasih WORLD TOURISM INDONESI
National Park Paradise Paradise Bay area has 1,453,500 hectares of coral reef ecosystems, beaches, mangroves and tropical forests of the island continent. Paradise Bay National Park is a national park marine waters of the largest in Indonesia, consisting of land and coastal area (0.9%), mainland islands (3.8%), coral reefs (5.5%), and coastal seas ( 89.8%) .-

The potential coral Paradise Bay National Park recorded 150 species from 15 families, and spread on the banks of large and 18 small islands. The percentage of live coral closure varied between 30.40% to 65.64%. Generally, the coral reef ecosystem is divided into two zones namely averaging zone coral (reef flat) and reef slope zones (reef slope). The types of rocks can be seen is the blue coral colony (Heliopora coerulea), black corals (Antiphates sp.) Faviidae and Pectiniidae family, as well as various types of soft corals. -

Paradise Bay National Park famous for its fish-rich species. Approximately 209 recorded species of fish in the inhabitants of this area include: -
- butterflyfish,
- angelfish,
- damselfish,
- parrotfish,
- rabbitfish, and
- anemonefish.
Types of mollusks include: -
- snails cowries (Cypraea spp.),
- Snails strombidae (Lambis spp.),
- Cone snails (Conus spp.),
- Triton trumpet (Charonia tritonis), and
- giant clam (Tridacna gigas).

There are four types of turtles that often landed in this national park are: - hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata),
- the green turtle (Chelonia mydas),
- turtle (Lepidochelys olivaceae), and
- star fruit turtle (Dermochelys coriacea).
Also found are mermaids (Dugong dugon), blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus), coconut crab (Birgus latro), dolphins, and sharks .

There is a natural cave that is believed to have existed since ancient times, hot springs that contain sulfur without salinity in Misowaar Island, cave in the water with a depth of 100 feet in Tanjung Mangguar. A number of relics from the 18th century can still be found in several places like in Wendesi, Wasior, and Yomber. Many Christians who visited the church in the village Yende (Roon Island), just to see the holy book published in 1898 .-
In order to visit this national park, visitors must-Manokwari - Rumberpon Island (using a longboat with a time 5.5 hours)
- Manokwari
- RANSIKI (4-wheel vehicle about three hours) and continued with a motor boat about 2.5 hours.
world tourism indonesia