Creatures in the Wild million Tangkoko world tourism sulawesi indonesia
Creatures in the Wild million Tangkoko world tourism sulawesi indonesia
typical bunch of Celebes black apes move from one branch to another branch. There was also a walk and scrounge some food on the wet ground. At least about an 20-Macaca nigra monkeys are like community. The term for this group of monkeys was Rambo 1, so according to the narrative one of the researchers who have almost a year following their behavior. -

Residents around it with a monkey called "yaki" is living freely in Taman Wisata Alam (TWA) and Nature Reserve Batuputih Tangkoko. This animal is only one of millions of animal species in conservation areas Tangkoko Mountain, City of Bitung, North Sulawesi .-
Conservation area is an area of 8718 hectares covering the four places, namely Batuputih TWA 615 hectares area, nature reserve Batuangus Tangkoko-acre area including the area 3196 Tangkoko-Batuangus Mountain and surrounding areas, CA Duasudara covering 4299 hectares, including Mount Duasudara and surroundings, and TWA 635 hectares Batuangus area. All four are under the management of the Forestry Department, through the Center of Natural Resources Conservation (BKSDA) Flammable .- I
n conservation areas the target of animal researchers in this world there are 26 species of mammals (10 species endemic), 180 species of birds (59 of them endemic species endemic to Sulawesi and North Sulawesi 5), and 15 species of reptiles and amphibians. -
Conservation Area is the most frequently visited by tourists is Batuputih TWA can be reached by private car about two hours from Manado. Through Batuputih TWA is usually much closer to the nature reserve area Tangkoko. -

You can use the help guide as well as pay a donation for this conservation of at least approximately USD 70 thousand. There are several guides from the local residents who had been trained to explain in English, especially for foreign tourists who come .-
Most of the tourists who come to admire the diversity of wildlife in this conservation area, because this supposedly famous Sulawesi unique as mixing or transition zone zoogeography of two regions Asia and Australia. You could say this sanctuary houses animals Tangkoko significant Sulawesi .-
Animal to be found among other birds Tangkoko Manguni (Otus manadensis) which became the symbol of the Minahasa region, along with seven other Manguni bird species. According to the guide Tangkoko, Alfons Wodi, these birds come out at night and share the habitat with other animals such as the tarsier night, bats and civet Sulawesi .-

Apart from Celebes black ape and tangkasi or tarsier, Sulawesi other animals that typically easy to find in the region is a possum bears (Ailurops ursinus), pygmy possum (Strigocuscus celebensis), or a bird rising sulawesi hornbill (Rhyticeros cassidix), and kangkareng (Penelopides exarrhatus) . -
In the area of this endangered species conservation, you may be in the mail I at the entrance where you can enjoy the beaches and to reach the Post II can be reached by car. Pos II before it reaches you will find secondary tropical forests where there are trees and some crops such as betel pioneer forest, flowers and wood .-
The Postal binunga II, you can park the car and began walking the woods and will meet with a group of Celebes black ape (Macaca nigra). Various sounds of birds will also be heard when getting closer to the forest from Rangon, Kingfisher, pigeons, and many more .-
The White Stone TWA is no limit to enter Tangkoko Nature Reserve, but this limit was not too clear because only a two-pole of trees planted on the right and left. -
Various flora and fauna admired British naturalist, Alfred Russel Wallace, this should be a concern of all parties to preserve it. Better to prevent the extinction of animals earlier than the next generation no longer can see the biological wealth of this place. Hopefully ...
typical bunch of Celebes black apes move from one branch to another branch. There was also a walk and scrounge some food on the wet ground. At least about an 20-Macaca nigra monkeys are like community. The term for this group of monkeys was Rambo 1, so according to the narrative one of the researchers who have almost a year following their behavior. -

Residents around it with a monkey called "yaki" is living freely in Taman Wisata Alam (TWA) and Nature Reserve Batuputih Tangkoko. This animal is only one of millions of animal species in conservation areas Tangkoko Mountain, City of Bitung, North Sulawesi .-
Conservation area is an area of 8718 hectares covering the four places, namely Batuputih TWA 615 hectares area, nature reserve Batuangus Tangkoko-acre area including the area 3196 Tangkoko-Batuangus Mountain and surrounding areas, CA Duasudara covering 4299 hectares, including Mount Duasudara and surroundings, and TWA 635 hectares Batuangus area. All four are under the management of the Forestry Department, through the Center of Natural Resources Conservation (BKSDA) Flammable .- I
n conservation areas the target of animal researchers in this world there are 26 species of mammals (10 species endemic), 180 species of birds (59 of them endemic species endemic to Sulawesi and North Sulawesi 5), and 15 species of reptiles and amphibians. -
Conservation Area is the most frequently visited by tourists is Batuputih TWA can be reached by private car about two hours from Manado. Through Batuputih TWA is usually much closer to the nature reserve area Tangkoko. -

You can use the help guide as well as pay a donation for this conservation of at least approximately USD 70 thousand. There are several guides from the local residents who had been trained to explain in English, especially for foreign tourists who come .-
Most of the tourists who come to admire the diversity of wildlife in this conservation area, because this supposedly famous Sulawesi unique as mixing or transition zone zoogeography of two regions Asia and Australia. You could say this sanctuary houses animals Tangkoko significant Sulawesi .-
Animal to be found among other birds Tangkoko Manguni (Otus manadensis) which became the symbol of the Minahasa region, along with seven other Manguni bird species. According to the guide Tangkoko, Alfons Wodi, these birds come out at night and share the habitat with other animals such as the tarsier night, bats and civet Sulawesi .-

Apart from Celebes black ape and tangkasi or tarsier, Sulawesi other animals that typically easy to find in the region is a possum bears (Ailurops ursinus), pygmy possum (Strigocuscus celebensis), or a bird rising sulawesi hornbill (Rhyticeros cassidix), and kangkareng (Penelopides exarrhatus) . -
In the area of this endangered species conservation, you may be in the mail I at the entrance where you can enjoy the beaches and to reach the Post II can be reached by car. Pos II before it reaches you will find secondary tropical forests where there are trees and some crops such as betel pioneer forest, flowers and wood .-
The Postal binunga II, you can park the car and began walking the woods and will meet with a group of Celebes black ape (Macaca nigra). Various sounds of birds will also be heard when getting closer to the forest from Rangon, Kingfisher, pigeons, and many more .-
The White Stone TWA is no limit to enter Tangkoko Nature Reserve, but this limit was not too clear because only a two-pole of trees planted on the right and left. -
Various flora and fauna admired British naturalist, Alfred Russel Wallace, this should be a concern of all parties to preserve it. Better to prevent the extinction of animals earlier than the next generation no longer can see the biological wealth of this place. Hopefully ...
travel tourism