movie the lovely bones 2010

movie the lovely bones 2010
Peter Jackson, the brain behind the success of the film trilogy The Lord of the Rings seemed endless spawn best work. This time, a genre thriller movie titled The Lovely Bones, starring presented with a number of major Hollywood players. The film is adapted from a novel as this, tells the ups and downs of serial murder victims' families.
The main figures in this film is played by Susie Salmon actress Saoirse Ronan, a cheerful girl who really loved his parents. Once, on his way home from school, Susie find the shortest path to his house. Susie simple idea turned into a disaster when he met George Harvey, his neighbor who was a psychopath. Susie was raped and murdered by a sadist.
His body was cut into pieces and dumped in a remote place. Pascakematian tragic, Susie's family originally harmonious beginning to change. Jack, Susie's father is played by Mark Wahlberg, tormented with guilt and often confined himself. While his wife, Abigail is played by Rachel Weisz could not accept the fact her daughter had been killed.
He approached Len Fenerman detective investigating the death of Abigail Did Susie find her killer and reunite divided families? The answer can be found in the film will be released first in England in the upcoming January 29, 2010