Lawang Sewu - semarang indonesia

Lawang Sewu - semarang indonesia

I pay attention for Koki pin-cushion Tour almost all articles its is about glamor wisata beyond the sea begin at New Zealand, Singapore, Texas and Austria. Though in Indonesia many are existed objects interesting and unique wisata that I sure will be difficult contested by other country.

In consequence,, at this time I try share story about experience berwisata to an object unique wisata that maybe some of Kokierses will not (yet) pay a visit kesana. Object this wisata called Lawang Sewu. If objects other wisata offers natural beauty [of] have the shape of coast or mountain then opponent sewu offers a matter of sharply differentiated that is "keangkeran"!

Do/does Lawang Sewu ?

Some of Kokierses maybe enquire ask "creature" what/wheter that lawang sewu?. Lawang sewu is an old building ommission the Netherlands that located in city Semarang Central Java. This Building located precise in circle erstwhile Tugu Muda is recognized by the name of Wilhelmina Plein.

Why called Lawang Sewu?

Lawang sewu indigenous to two Javanese [language] words that is : Lawang that mean Pintu and Sewu that have a meaning (of) a thousand. Thus Lawang sewu is building that have door amount a thousand units. Although in existing fact of door amount not reaches a thousand units (I not count/calculate it hehe) but because this building haves door amount that many and big then local resident gives opponent name sewu.

History Lawang Sewu

From explanation that I get from guide there, lawang sewu are built in around 1903 and at a period of government the Netherlands two floors building and have this underground room as [the] office from NIS (Nederlansch Indishe Spoorweg Naatschap). Ommission Remains the Netherlands that still stand-out at lawang sewu is specific ornamen European found on big window in building.

After Japan take overs government the Netherlands in Indonesia at around 1942, this room of building underground previous is water sewer line in "jigger" become underground prison also water sewer line. This Building also take the stands mute venomous encounter between people Indonesia and colonist Japan that recognized and encounter five day. This encounter Remains has been seen from ex gunfire in one of this building stanchion.

After independence is reached for by indonesian nation, this building is weared as [the] office by Perusahaan train Indonesia or KAI.

Prison Jongkok

At that opportunity also I use opportunity intentionally it-self come into room under that by Japan us as prison. Because its room that very narrow and its roof low this prisons are named as [the] prison cringe. Iight source that very minim and room condition damp make atmosphere in custody cringe this enough make merinding scruff fur. Guide also explains that this underground room is often weared as [the] place execute young mans Indonesia that make against to Japan and their physics is thrown away to multiplied that located in side this building.

At this time, Lawang sewu recognize by local resident as [the] ghostlike building and purportedly often seen supernatural creatures nocturnal. According to I from the view of tourism, impression is referred [as] actually is opportunity to overdraw much tourists either local or foreign specially those in take a fancy to smelly challenge mistical and ghostlike. I sure if dioptimalkan this potency then will more tourist that will pay a visit to Indonesia and it is of course this foreign exchange addition for country.

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