Balekambang's south beach INDONESIA JAVA

Balekambang's beach really enough helds captive, this i am bicara its beach lo, but unhappily it doesn't be backed up too with facility that is equal to, until impressed dirty. Evenless kalo is MCKnya's medium clay that, its odor apology.. tofu yeah alone Nevertheless, this beach clear enough with white sand that helds captive, place parks that extensive. teradpat too failitas camping ground, cinderamata's kiosk, restaurant, information office, bungalow so sedeharna, mushola, and pendopo. Unhappily all these doesn't be nursed with every consideration. Yes darling, eventually for access comes in perOrang Rp. 5,200,- and each MCK'S input there is also retribution Rp. 500,-, but shuttlecock is still odor and not terawat, tofu yeah dah, males mikirinnya, its name is Indonesian

BaleKambang's beach rock chockablock oceanic, one that membentang along more or less 2000 meters with broad 200 meters toward the sea. According to local resident, if oceanic water blows over usually between rocks or bebatuan that there are many found fish decorates to bunch up and another marine animal. At this beach available three westward juxtaposed islands, namely Ismoyo's Island, Anoman's island and Wisanggeni's Island. At Ismoyo's Island stands up kitsch one Pura, access goes to linked Pura by one bridge one tread with broad 1,5 meters. Blur, beach alike with Kuta's Beach Bali.

On Suro's moon, Balekambang's beach last multitude at visits tourist well of home affairs and also mancanegara. There is event which special at this Balekambang's Beach which is Ceremony Surohan (Suro' an) and Jalanidhi's Ceremony Worships. berwisata's safe but in advance vehicle condition cheque your so cozy and safe at trip.

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