Tambakrejo's beach at Blitar INDONESIA JAVA

Its beach is goodly clear, its oceanic water blue, its sand is white membentang gets to form one bay with longing more or less ten kilometers. Its wave is even not oversized, so divides you that have hobby take bath, can bath one please at this beach. This beach lie at Silvan Tambakrejo, Wonotirto's district, Blitar's regency, East java

Are one undeliberateness while we get to Rejo's Fishpond Beach. While lies in the middle trip of aim to self to Blitar there is road map board to aim Rejo's Fishpond Beach, directly just us arch vehicle to wend that beach. That is certain, we stop momentary for ask to person at clear a root, one how far that beach distance of clears a root artery. Person that says, just needs time half hour from here to reach Rejo's Fishpond Beach.

Finally we keep on trip, originally clears a root what do we pass through broad and evenly, but long times the ways that we passes through to constrict just enough for one car and one motor. Drawing near beach, we pass through hills that tremendously barren, jati's forests that meranggas its leaf and dry whitewash hill. Seeing needle the time of day, apparently we was well-nigh one hour pass that catwalk, but Rejo's Fishpond Beach was visible also.

Fifteen minutes then, beach portal was visible, and many officer draw near. Apparently time sails through we are well-nigh one hour fifteen minutes of artery road to self Blitar. For that matter distance sails through it just vicinity twenty three kilometers, but we that memacu can't presto vehicle because road which constrict and a lot of motor of aim foe that sometime emerges to arrive from turns back hill.

Don't restrain from entrance, we can see blue oceanic water with its white sand. Directly just us fly around to drawn round beach by foot to feel sand ground items beaches. Visually there is some bodies tire lessor for swimming, also umpteen boat which readily mengantar we berkeliling around beach.

Since wants to feel water wobble goes out to sea, we choose to ascend boat to remove exhausted up to trip with motor vehicle. Cost of boat rise just five rubiah per person, where is boats maximal capacity be ten person. After berkeliling a few moments, we pass Pasetran Gondo Mayit. Konon is its story, this place is included sacred place, and a lot of visitted by person for just as sees or even for the purpose another.

All through boat rise, we occasion to see auction place fish out. Upon we come, it fresh fish remained few because days was mown. To you that fond fresh fish can more come morning to enjoy seafood and fresh Beaches morning atmosphere Embank Rejo. Beaches ordinary days this sepi of visitor, but nasonal's off-day or off-day visitor new a lot of one comes.

No its false divides you who visit to go to Blitar occasions time for visits for Beach To Embank Rejo. Although facility minim, visit goes to ekowisata beach always wreak alone experience.

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